Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In time for Halloween

Halloween is here...and yep, Christmas is around the corner!

This past Sunday I had the pleasure of getting to know this little one more. She is the daughter of a friend of mine. Little Lady here is 10 days older than Aidan. Aidan was to jump in on the fun but he was at home napping. You snooze you loose!

Can I just say she was able to carry these pumkins and gourds everywhere! I think some may have weighed the same as her.

This is my favorite shot of the day...

Monday, October 13, 2008

When Life Gives You Wind...Go to the Lake

Since there was no fighting the wind. Why not make the best of it and go where it is just naturally windy. The lake. So insane flying hair would be in place here!

On the way to Lanier we made a drink and snack stop. Guess who had the blue Gatorade? The girls had recharged and were ready to go!!!

We finished our last stop along Dahlonega Hwy. I believe the place is an old lumber yard. I have been eyeing the side of the building for time now. The weathered, peeling green paint and all the new home community signs just called out to me...some may say it is an eyesore. Today was the day of close up and full frame for me today. I even threw in some sun glare which I have been liking lately. Just a mood...but wow!

ICON Session 2

As I walked out the front door and loaded up the Suburban I was greeted by a huge gust of wind, then another...great! At least it wasn't raining! We made the best of it. When we pulled up to the Chungs house the kids were flying kites. Girls go get your uniforms on and join us!!! This is where we started, one of my favorite places.

We then headed for Lake Lanier. We had could have cared less about the wind at this point!