Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Where did the days go when I was able to get a picture of my kids together? Those days, I think, are gone.

Annie had a couple of her friends come over for trick or treating in our neighborhood. Tristan also had a few of his friends come over then they went to a lock-in at the skatepark. Aidan...he didn't trick or treat. He is afraid of anything black and orange. He stayed home to pass out candy and enjoyed all the kids. Most he gave "the eyes" to them. Next year, maybe.

Here are a few from the night.

Annie (mod girl) and her friends

Tristan (the Burger King King) and his friends
We must test out the costume for ability to perform in trick situations. "No, mom it won't rip! Dad and I fixed so it won't..." "Quit worrying about it!" I am glad that Tristan and Dad were also smart enough to repair the costume of the huge rip that went up the side after getting caught in the wheel. ya, I am the nagging idiot!

Shhhh...don't tell him this is a Halloween costume. He may get scared. There was no orange in it so I guess it wasn't scary.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In time for Halloween

Halloween is here...and yep, Christmas is around the corner!

This past Sunday I had the pleasure of getting to know this little one more. She is the daughter of a friend of mine. Little Lady here is 10 days older than Aidan. Aidan was to jump in on the fun but he was at home napping. You snooze you loose!

Can I just say she was able to carry these pumkins and gourds everywhere! I think some may have weighed the same as her.

This is my favorite shot of the day...

Monday, October 13, 2008

When Life Gives You Wind...Go to the Lake

Since there was no fighting the wind. Why not make the best of it and go where it is just naturally windy. The lake. So insane flying hair would be in place here!

On the way to Lanier we made a drink and snack stop. Guess who had the blue Gatorade? The girls had recharged and were ready to go!!!

We finished our last stop along Dahlonega Hwy. I believe the place is an old lumber yard. I have been eyeing the side of the building for time now. The weathered, peeling green paint and all the new home community signs just called out to me...some may say it is an eyesore. Today was the day of close up and full frame for me today. I even threw in some sun glare which I have been liking lately. Just a mood...but wow!

ICON Session 2

As I walked out the front door and loaded up the Suburban I was greeted by a huge gust of wind, then another...great! At least it wasn't raining! We made the best of it. When we pulled up to the Chungs house the kids were flying kites. Girls go get your uniforms on and join us!!! This is where we started, one of my favorite places.

We then headed for Lake Lanier. We had could have cared less about the wind at this point!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Team Waterboy

How can I forget our lifesaver of the day. This is Hana and Chloe's cousin (I am sorry that I can't remember his name), he brought ice cold water to all of us while we were at the shed. We all soooo appreciated it!

ICON Photo Daze

Nothing like a gorgeous fall day and eight beautiful and crazy girls for some photo adventures!

The girls stood in hip-high grass, shared a dusty seat with a dead bee, layed on a roads, terrorized and mocked downtown Cumming, got hot, sweaty, made a mess of their uniforms (sorry moms!) and even did a thing called the spidercrawl (I think this is what the called it). A total of 600+ frames were shot...

What sports!!! Oh, and they even went to practice after...bet they sleep well tonight. Here are a few random ones from the day!

Friday, September 26, 2008


OK...so it has been awhile...long while since my last post. I have been busy working on my new website set to be online in about a week or two. Depending on how long my new hosting company and old hosting hook-up and get it together for me. Who knew! I have two new things on my website, besides the new and improved look, a section where I can set up client proofs for their viewing and a shopping cart!

I will be taking some pictures of the girls from the gym on Sunday so as soon as those are ready I will be posting a couple here and will eventually be on the new site! hmmm....lets see if I have something somewhat recent...

Oh my new car....


How about Annie and her fellow tree-hugger friends...

No pictures of Aidan. He will be blogging soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008

First, First...First, Last

For Annie it is the first day of her first year in middle school. It is Tristan's first day of his last year in middle school. Next year is high school for him. *sigh*

IMG_1552 One picture was OK for them but the second one, just not cool. What is that? Tongues? Get off my porch you punks!!! Good luck with that bus driver this year.

IMG_1555 I am not sure if this one is crying because he'll miss Bo-Bo and Nay-Nay or if he thinks that Mommy is going to have him do the extra chores while they are at school!!! Who is going to take care of this kid???


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Feist Counts to Four on Sesame Street

Oh kiddos, Feist counted to 4 on Sesame Street’s season premier. I know, right?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sweet Southern Treats

This morning I got to snap a few pictures at a new local bakery the Laughing Elephant. It is the creation of a family from Annie's cheer team. They bake up some killer cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes and don't get me started on the eclairs!!!

Here are a few of their kiddos and yummies. If ya'll ever get to Cumming make sure to drop in and get a fix for your sweet tooth.

Big Hats and a Gorilla

Friday afternoon after tie-dye pedicures the girls (Annalise and Maddie) and I set out for some more fun and tons pictures. I asked Maddie if she was game. Her eyes lit up and said "oooooh...this is going to be sooooo fun!" I took about 200 pictures!!! And fun is what we had. Too bad we ran out of light!

First we headed to Cumming square and found a neat alley and parking structure. Nothing but goofing, jumping and the attempted stunt with an orange construction cone...."eeewwww, what is under it!"




We then packed it up and headed up the 400 to Cherokee Music. How could anyone pass up all the fun statues they have in front? The Pink Panther, a bull, rooster, the Easter Bunny, the gorilla and a few other characters...




Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Kicks on the Block

Since he is walking now I thought shoes were appropriate. Aidan is the only kid of our 3 who had velcro shoe removal at the early age of 16 months! Yep that is him playing Nintendo DS!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Not to Wear

Yep. Steve put on his best ass-kickin' traveling wear this morning. Thank god he will be sitting in the car...

Me: Uhhh...did you pack ALL of your clothes?
Fashionista: No.
Me: Looks like someone threw up on you.
F: I am comfortable. The colors match.
Me: No they don't. You look ridiculous.
F: I am not changing.
Me: Don't forget your black dress socks and black sandals to go with.
F: I am wearing my Birkenstocks.
Me: Wonderful. You're hot!

God help him!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Picking Up Hitchhikers

We have picked up a few in the past days.

The count Rawrs 6, Aidan 1!!! It is getting quite expensive to feed them all. Aidan has been sneaking Goldfish crackers to them.

Some Sugar Land History

The center of the sugar industry from Texas colonial days and the site of the first sugar refinery in Texas located by S. M. Williams on land granted to him by the Mexican government.

I thought Texas was all oil, cattle, women with big hair and barbecue!!!!

Something tells me that this little trip was a little bit bor-ing for someone!!! Zzzzz....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Annie at Storm Cheer

Yes. We are still on vacation. Still in Sugar Land.

Miss Hulk Hogan (check out the guns) began tumbling withdrawals. We knew this would happen prior to coming here so I signed her up at the local cheer gym, Storm Cheer, to tumble a few days during the two weeks. She tumbled twice last week and the past two days she spent at their tumbling camp. She said she had a great time, met some new friends and worked on her skillz!!!

Standing back tuck...

Everything is Bigger in Texas

Look at the size of these sandcrabs. Watch yer buns kiddos!